Mini Fire-Ball 225 50:1 Pump for 55 kg (120 lb). Drum

You can't afford down time, especially when your shop is small and your work force depends on equipment performance. The Mini Fire-Ball 225 is an engineered design with fewer moving parts, which means less wear out, and reduced downtime and more profit for your business.
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You can't afford down time, especially when your shop is small and your work force depends on equipment performance. The Mini Fire-Ball 225 is an engineered design with fewer moving parts, which means less wear out, and reduced downtime and more profit for your business.
You can't afford down time, especially when your shop is small and your work force depends on equipment performance. The Mini Fire-Ball 225 is an engineered design with fewer moving parts, which means less wear out, and reduced downtime and more profit for your business.
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